The chronicles of a humble country boy from Swanzey, NH

Friday, March 24, 2006

Los Angeles

Travis and I have been in Los Angeles for over a month now and work is starting to pick up now. We worked on a comedy show with Patricia Heaton from Everybody Loves Raymond last week and it felt great to be on a set again. The free meals and cool people are hard to beat, although being on your feet for 14+ hours gets tiring. I like L.A. for the most part and people are generally nice so far. Travis and I broke down and bought a vacuum cleaner today. It's a Bissel and what really sold me on it was the "crevice tool attachment" that can be used to clean all the crevices in our modest 1 bedroom apartment.

On the way to get our treasured vacuum I had to stop by a bank and pick up some bills. While waiting in a line a large black man came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder.
"Excuse me," he said. "I'm a photographer and I would love to photograph your feet."
I paused for a second to take this in, and smiled. Was he serious? I looked down at my sandaled feet and back up at the man. He was a good 4" taller than me and built like a bouncer. His head was shaved.
"What's the deal" I thought?
The man pulled a card out of his wallet and handed it to me.
"No weird shit, just call me if you want," he said.
I laughed.
He smiled and walked away.

I'm going to start wearing shoes to the bank.